Are you ready to revolutionise your HR game?

Are you ready to revolutionise your HR game?
Author: Nazum ÜNLÜ

As we navigate through the fourth industrial revolution, HR professionals are facing unprecedented challenges in the workplace. Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming the way we work and interact with each other, and it’s no secret that HR needs to adapt to this new reality. That’s why I was excited to attend HR Technology Europe, one of the most impactful HR events in Europe, and explore how HR can embrace technology and AI to shape the future of work.

Here are my key takeaways from the event:

I want to start with Josh Bersin. Thank you for your wisdom! Every time you share your insights, it energizes me and gives me hope for the future of our HR organization. Your guidance is clear, practical, and based on experience and research, not just academic theory. It’s refreshing to hear your pragmatic global advice. He suggested many good ideas for HR leaders to consider, but this was the most promising one for me :

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HR Technology Europe

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