Transforming Workplace Mental Health: The VR Revolution – Training Industry
Author: Robbie Jones, UK Commercial Director – AdagioVR
We are thrilled that AdagioVR, the world’s first ever clinically-grounded, immersive tool for Wellbeing and High Performance, has chosen to partner exclusively with HR Technology Europe for this calendar year (this Thursday and Friday!).
Co-Founded by a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and by International UN Activist & Entrepreneur, Sanya Rajpal (who will be speaking at Tech Talks Theatre on Friday, 3 May at 12:10 – 12:30 time!), AdagioVR is a partner of the NHS, Oxford University and the United Nations.
They have recently expanded their offering to HR leadership across Europe. From the perspective of HR Technology Europe, this is the antidote to an all-too-frequent medically flimsy or temporarily impactful Wellbeing marketplace. We are reminded time and again that the statistics for permanent relief, absence and attrition are worse than they have ever been, across all sectors and until now there hasn’t been a credible, immersive answer to this.
You can go through an AdagioVR programme without having to speak or disclose anything, which makes this such an effective tool for individuals and organisational alignment.
With a 97% success rate at resolving single-issue coping mechanisms and crises – early-intervention, framed as high performance – AdagioVR enables HR leaders to fulfil that professional aspiration: to help human beings and organisations live more meaningful, safe and commercially profitable lives than any other function.
Go and try out this experience at the show with Robbie Jones, AdagioVR are at booth 452O and make sure you attend Sanya’s groundbreaking talk!
Q&A with Robbie:
Why is it important that the HR community get together at HR Tech Europe 2024?
I’m very proud, as a former event-organiser in this space, to be a part of the European People, Culture & HR universe: the AdagioVR team can’t wait for this show that beats at the geographical and metaphorical heart of it! For us, this is the tech & innovation focused event for People leaders across Europe. When minds like Hung and Josh Bersin are choosing to platform their insight and lived experience at your show, you know you’ve built something truly special. Why, though, is it important for the community to gather? It’s only important if the commercial (sponsorship, exhibitor profile) and marketing (quality and quantity of delegates who are genuinely passionate about learning and acting on innovation) disciplines of an event launch are equally strong. Because this is the case with HR Technology Europe, and because Debbie’s team has travelled, listened and visibly built an event around what really matters in the day-to-day and annually defined success in the actual jobs of Europe’s HR, People and Tech leaders, the gathering is worthwhile. Sanya Rajpal, our Co-Founder and United Nations speaker, is particularly excited about her session, and her decision to support this show also comes down to values-vetting: ETC and Arc group leading by example on the subject of wellbeing and performance.
When you attend HR Tech Europe 2024 what will you be sharing with conference delegates and your industry peers?
Such is the transformation that AdagioVR had on my personal life, I quit a comfortable, successful career in events to join this start-up (now scale-up!), and it’s the best decision I ever made. However, that’s only made possible on weeks like these. On an interaction basis, what I want from this event is to remind HR & People leaders why they chose this profession in the first place: to actionably, demonstrably improve the lives, culture and fortunes of people and organisations. AdagioVR is the world’s first ever clinically underpinned piece of (immersive) tech that succeeds in doing this 97% of the time. The statistics on absence, attrition and far darker aspects of employee engagement & wellbeing are worse than ever. We’re told this every day. Finally this profession has early intervention, high-performance-framed, permanent relief on tap, scalable. Through therapeutics delivered in a virtual reality experience, created by a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, we are putting an end to the endless failure of temporary and medically flimsy or non-existent wellbeing apps, gimmicks and gestures on this subject, including telling people how they already feel or showering them with yoga or vouchers. With the labyrinthine waiting lists in healthcare and the HR referrals to Occupational Health therapists coming when it’s far, far too late for your high performers, this is the world’s first piece of tech that delivers on all priorities for leadership in HR, Talent and People & Culture, (with the exception of payroll!). HR at its best is not unlike journalism at its best: identify innovations that transform the lives of human beings, then engage and transform the world with them. This takes responsibility on all sides.
What are you looking to get out of HR Tech Europe 2024?
What can you look forward to from AdagioVR? Come and don the oculus, experience the demo and hear all the incredible testimonials for how this changes lives and commercial outcomes on a daily basis. We’re near the front of the show (Stand 452O). We have some special Proof of Concept packages available for European Mental Health Awareness Week in May. Also, make sure you attend Sanya’s talk at 12:10 on Friday, at the Tech Talks Theatre: “Make Mental Health (Actually) Matter: How to Stop Wasting Money and Time and Actually Help People and Your Bottom Line.”